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sekoci penolong bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sekoci penolong"
  • Titanic's lifeboats were stored on her uppermost decks.
    Sekoci penolong Titanic telah disimpan di atas geladak paling atas.
  • Why aren't you in the lifeboat?
    Mengapa kau tdk di Sekoci penolong?
  • I made a jump for the lifeboat.
    Saya melompat ke sekoci penolong.
  • With few lifeboats left, people take the threat of sinking seriously.
    Dengan sedikit sekoci penolong yang tertinggal, orang-orang lebih serius mengkhawatirkan tenggelam.
  • He is quickly assigned to a lifeboat as an oarsman and is lowered away.
    Ia dengan cepat ditugaskan untuk mendayung sekoci penolong sebelum diturunkan dan pergi.
  • Recognizing the fatal damage to Titanic, designer Thomas Andrews calmly works to prepare the passengers for the lifeboats.
    Mengetahui kerusakan fatal pada Titanic, perancang Thomas Andrews dengan tenang membantu menyiapkan para penumpang menaiki sekoci penolong.
  • Lex launched a torpedo through the hull of the daily planet, and I'm just barely hanging onto the lifeboat.
    Lex meluncurkan torpedo menuju lambung kapal Dailly Planet dan aku hampir tidak bisa berpegangan pada sekoci penolong.
  • Our lifeboat too was filled with sobbing and weeping women who had been worried about the safety of their husbands and fathers.
    Sekoci penolong kami juga diisi dengan tangis perempuan yang merasa cemas atas keselamatan para suami mereka dan para bapak.